not to be hyper-dramatic, tho that is kind of my nature, the nature of a film, a painting, but the walls are closing in, the weather in pontaven has been less than cooperative, i painted in a hailstorm the other day after brief lulls and periods of clarity and sunlight,the next day was fraught with hurricane winds and rain like.... well never mind the simile, all the priors day painting beat away, and so the weather has forced me to move a majority of my working time inside, on the ground with canvas that is beat to shit, gesso that has become nonbinded plaster, and until i really started grinding and bottling my own paints and colors it was hell, the first day not a person walked in who didnt complain about the smell of over terped medium (how else to make dammar) but i dont mind the smell it smells like painting is supposed to. and the second day, the cheap grocery store oil ive been using has too much absorbtive power and dries so matte i dont know how to read the layers. but aside from that i've been pressing forward, still havent moved past the hotel, and am working too slow for my time restraints.
i have thought about a pre-screening at cannes in may and i think its a good idea, tho i dont know how ill play it, i have to do some research, if anyone has any clues to cannes i think it might be the best move this whole project has seen, besides the bad weather in brittonie.
my computer is lagging like crazy so, im going to stop babbling, and tho this project is a political nitemare of a piece and has affected so severely my outlook on governments and war machines, i leave you with a picture bunny sent me for the archives.
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