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theres that, and 100 ft are ready to ship, waiting, has become what my head is filled with when not painting, waiting for rendering, funding, answers, and yes this has become the game, and so after 4 days of hard hours breathing pigments fumes and everything else, struggling with overseers for my route my path, i wait, i wait to use fumes and pigments, i wait through copying line upon line of dialogue to create layers and depth, i dont like the overt narrative of text, its not voice it never will be when i write insane or shrimp or kurtz its contrived, yet it has to be, it focuses me into the composition of the work to come, the montenegran brigade of color that has 200 ft to colorize in 3 weeks, the me that has to write the words so long ago spoken, in grandure, in disrespect, in theory to respect.
i wait.
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