

ive been editing a video for 18 hours straight, i got it into cannes, somehow, and it will be screened in the short film corner at the festival. the deadlines the 21 for the overall judging, and april 1st for the screening. the project has morphed, and im sure will continue to do so as time goes on, mathew knows i like lists so:

-release of "Hearts of Darkness: A Painter's Apocalypse" short
[heres what cannes got: synopsis:
'Hearts of Darkness: A Painter's Apocalypse' is the short documentary chronicling the development of the art installation, 'Apocalypse Still,' a 100 meter painting using Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now,' as subject, installation as evidence, and movement as dialogue. The installation will be screened at a major international art festival in July, this short contains interviews and actions showing the intensity and intent of the project.]

-followed up by full documentary release of the same film.
*yes its backwards from how francis did it, but i have my reasons*

-premiere of installation

-release of full length dvd, "Apocalypse Still" shot in the same running time as the movie itself, showcasing in real time the project in its finished state.

-wish i could paint more and had a team of video techs to handle this part, but this is the route i chose to take, i have less then a week to finish the short, and three months to finish the painting, so on the deadline tip, one is more pressing. but i have started painting furiously and on a whim tried the cannes submission, and so one way or the other something lined up right.

-shoot last six minutes of dialogue, now, because its dark out, my eyes hurt, my headaches, and i have a fucking absurd desire for deadlines.

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